Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Can't Run AMFPHP In PHP 5.3.8 It's So easy to RUN Dude...

I tried the AMFPHP environment PHP 5.3.0
I got a message .....  That's Really Weird !!
Function eregi_replace () is deprecated .
C: \ xampp \ htdocs\ amfphp \ core \ shared \ util \ MethodTable.php on line 505
Error retrieving service info:

 I can do two things about this small problem :
  1. Change the settings in your php.ini file to disable the deprecated warnings.
  2. Replace the php code in that specific amfphp core file, using the new equivalent function.

Personally I suggest you do the second if 1st one works. 

Why are we waiting for.....? Go -- :)

  •   Change the php.ini file